Roche Reports Results of Faricimab in Four P-III Studies for Diabetic Macular Edema and Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- The P-III YOSEMITE & RHINE studies involve assessing faricimab (6mg at personalized dosing intervals of up to 4mos. and at fixed 2mos. intervals) vs aflibercept (2mg- fixed 2mos. intervals) in 1891 patients with DME
- The P-III TENAYA & LUCERNE studies assessing faricimab (6mg administered at fixed intervals of every 2-3 & 4mos. based on an objective assessment of disease activity @20 & 24wks.) vs aflibercept in 1329 patients with nAMD
- The studies showed- i.e faricimab demonstrated non-inferior visual acuity gains and shows greater reductions in CST- thus reducing the treatment burden for patients and was well tolerated with no new safety signals identified
Ref: Roche | Image: Roche
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This content piece was prepared by our former Senior Editor. She had expertise in life science research and was an avid reader. For any query reach out to us at connect@pharmashots.com